Friday, March 8, 2013

Grimsby Telegraph Forum

Grimsby Telegraph Forum

This is for ladies who have knitting patterns.
I am searching for a certain pattern. It is of a green knitted jacket with a hood. I think it was button up but I used a zipper. I have lost the pattern.
It was shown in a green mix bobbly sort of wool and was a blousen style. Had to be between 1963 up to 1968.
If anyone has the magazine with the pattern I will gladly buy or maybe someone can email the pattern.
I used to live in Grimsby and bought it from the newsagent on Cleethorpe Road going towards Park St.

Thanks to all. Regards to Grimsby.

Jasmine Stewart nee Kuhlman

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Doing away with the perks for Minorities

It seems to me during this election that people are becoming like sheep. They are following the crowd, of course being pointed in the correct direction by the numerous sheep dogs at Mr. Obams disposal. The people have disgarded so many candidates, some, not all who were far better suited to the job than at least two of those still running, both male by the way.
A thought occured to me this morning regarding the black candidate.
If a relatively or should I say completly unknown ( as far as his policies go) black man can now become so close to becoming the US President then is it not time that the country as a whole did away with all perks for the minority groups. such as:
All head starts at school and everything else that pertains to giving the minorities a head start including , minority set aside contracts, military qouta systems, advertising and movie mandatory race equality. Have you noticed how on the TV commercials the white man is now the imbicile and idiot and the black, yellow, or colored man is the genious. He is the judge, the mayor, we even had the black president did we not? Did that series know something we did not know?
Surely it has been proved has it not that if Mr. Obama can become President then the doors are open for any black, yellow or any colored person to do it too. The schools are there, the teachers are there and please, don't blame the tool. Remember a bad workman always blames his tools. No, if Mr. Obama can do it, coming from his poor disrupted childhood then any poor minority person out there can do it too.
All they need is the know how and maybe a good preacher teacher. Also the ability to avoid answering questions, giving direct views on policies and of course have the charisma of Mr. J. F. Kennedy. Now there was a past master at the art of charisma. He though also was a very clever man and made a fair president and we knew who he was and where he came from.
If this country wants a black president, hey, go for it but please, stop this racist," Oh he is being blamed because he is a "minority crap". If the minorities in this country want to play fair now is the time. Stop blaming poor Mr. White for where the minorities fail. It has not hurt Mr. Obama so why should it hurt you Mr. Minority? After all his wife will go down in history as the the USA's First Black Lady. Will anyone complain about that terminology I wonder?